Things to post
The followings are a brief list I’m going to post on this blog.
- Collections
- Recent concurrent collections
- CAS techniques
- Singleton strategy
- Concurrent programming(thread-safe techniques), data synchronization,
- Java monitor (wait, notify, synchronize, monitor, happen-before, interrupt, etc…)
- Java process monitor (jstack, jmap, jhat, jstat)
- Hotspot JVM memory management
- Hotspot JVM GC, especially CMS and G1GC
- Memory leaks
- Alternative JVM including OpenJVM…
Large-Scale Distributed System
- Simple list-up about types of these systems
- My experience, my approach.
- Jersey + Jetty framework (+Redis, of course the data is volatile)
- Simple API component - based on node.js, task-oriented, heavily depends on Promise.
- Things that I’ve done so far. ManyManyManyManyManyMany
- The principles that I know more/deeper. (Balancer, when RegionServer goes down, …)
- Things that I’ve done so far. Not that much.
- The principles that I know more/deeper.
- Zeppelin
- I haven’t followed Spring for these 4.5 years. My knowledge of Spring is stuck as it was 5 years ago.
- Need to recall basic concepts and catch up recent (important) features.